Archive for September, 2007

    Live Remote Recording with MacbookPro Digi 003 Rack

    Live music recording studio remote audioI received my brand spanking new MacBook Pro just a day before the Blueskrieg Blues Night special at 19East - this is a special concert production for us coz of Binky and Lampano Alley in the artist lineup - I've always intended to record and video the gig since getting the date confirmed 10 days ago.

    Anyway, I trust Mac's with ProTools so much that I went ahead with the live remote recording intent despite limited runtime with the Macbook Pro (a 2.4 Dual Core with 4Gigs of RAM). I recorded 8 tracks from the Midas Legend 3000 board's direct out...

    Inside, hear the mixed audio tracks

    Posted at 6pm on 09/06/07 | no comments | Filed Under: Gear, Recording-Tracking, Sessions & Projects
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