Archive for February, 2006

    No hurry. Recording studio is coming together

    This month of February has been hectic in a relaxed sort of way. Our expectations were in line that we will not be a 100% commercial operation yet, not even March... maybe April 1st (no pun).

    While most of the studio's recording equipment are online and we have actually engaged on a few recording and tracking sessions. We are still waiting for a a few more pieces to complete the sound weaving puzzle that is Sound Weavers Recording Studio.

    Posted at 11am on 02/20/06 | 4 comments | Filed Under: Construction, Gear
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    Soft launch: Feb ’06 – Calling artists & bands

    Sound Weavers is on soft launch mode for the rest of February. We are inviting a few select artists and bands to come in for "live takes" and get a feel of the studio’s personnel and facilities.

    Calling "real" artists and bands interested in laying down "live tracks". Curious? Send materials (profile, a couple of demos and where we can see you "live").

    Musically mature bands, artists and musicians with passionate and kick ass music

    Posted at 7am on 02/16/06 | 3 comments | Filed Under: Sessions & Projects
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    To CLICK (track) or NOT to CLICK

    Due to inexperience in the recording studio, young bands in the pop music genre (from pop to rock to heavy) are most vulnerable to timing and synchronization problems.

    These bands can perform their songs "all together" and seem to be "locked-in" with one another but lo and behold, timing faults pop up all over the place – speeding up on crescendo and turnaround sections while slowing down on decrescendo sections.

    The problem with

    Posted at 9pm on 02/11/06 | 12 comments | Filed Under: Recording-Tracking
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    Promote your music for free on

    Something for your act and your music. Free facility to build a buzz, gain a following, meet friends; MySpace

    A lot of budding and still-in-the-closet artists, as well as independent and professional record releases already use MySpace to showcase their music to the public. In fact I’ve heard a few Filipino bands with really nice sounding demos – raw but a lot polished –  I use MySpace to "discover" and "shortlist" acts. If

    Posted at 11am on 02/09/06 | 2 comments | Filed Under: Marketing-Promotions
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